Meine News
Please visit my bandpage from Marion & Sobo Band
All my activities are displayed here
New Album with "Marion & Sobo Band"
We will soon release a new album with "Marion & Sobo Band". For more infos go to http://marionandsobo.com/
Check on of our new videos:
The new album with my Gypsy Jazz Band "Antiquariat" out now
Finally we released the new album "Vida de Caroussel" with Antiquariat. Click on the grey star above for prelistening. You can order it here at my site through shop@alexandersobocinski.com
New CD with the french singer Marion Preus
We just released our debut album "Afternoon at the Park" with my new duo with the french singer Marion Preus. It´s Jazz mixed up with world music including five different languages.
Visit our website:
Here a listening preview:
Want more? ;)
Order it here for € 12,- at
New CD with my Gypsy Jazz Band
We just released our debut album with the quintett "Antiquariat". It´s Gypsy Jazz with german lyrics and we are really proud after so much work to present it to the world ;)
And here a listening preview:
Want more? ;)
Order it here for € 12,- at
New Video with my Tangotrio Madera Porteña with interviews
Here you can see us plying at the "Semana Latina" in Marburg, Germany with some interviews included.
New vid & youtube channel / nuevo video y youtube
Here I made a new gypsy jazz video, take a look. Visit also my youtube channel where you can find a lot of other videos I recorded in the last years.
Aqui hice un nuevo video de gypsy jazz, fijate.
Mira tambien mi canal de youtube donde hay otros videos cuales hice en los años pasados.
22.01.2012 Neue CD mit dem Tangotrio
Ich habe mit dem Tangotrio "Madera Porteña" unere Debut-CD "Noche en San Telmo" soeben in die Hände bekommen.
Man kann sie bei mir bestellen. Gehe dafĂĽr auf "discographie" und klicke dort auf buy oder schick mir eine Mail.
Reinhören kann man auf unserer Seite auch:
The new CD from my tango trio "Madera Porteña" finally arrived.
You can order it. Go to "discography" and click on buy or send me a mail.
You can listen to the traks @ our website:
28.11.2011 New vid / nuevo video
Here you can see a vid from our common concert with Narci Rodriguez and Johann May and me.
Aqui un video de nuestro concierto con Narci Rodriguez y Johann May conmigo.
Tango Trio - Madera Porteña - New page / neue Seite
The new page from my Tango Trio Madera Porteña is online; look & listen - la nueva pagina de mi trio de tango Madera Porteña es en linea; mira y escucha
Minisession, Jazzbäckerei and languages
Hallo there, may be I should write in english too ;)
I´ll try to myke it as international as I can.
German version below.
As some of you might know I organize the Minisession in Café Göttlich - it takes place every first and third sunday in month - and the newer one Jazzbäckerei in Kulturkneipe Brotfabrik that takes place every last thursday in month.
It´s not always me playing on those events.
The idea is to make the jazzy landscape in Bonn bigger and exchange with other musicians from here and there.
The next Minisession will be on 16th of october with me and Claus Schulte on drums.
The next Jazzbäckerei will be an the 27th of october with Narci Rodriguez (from Spain!) with his Bamba Trio, a great Bossa Nova evening.
For more info mail me.
Wie einige bereits wissen, findet die von mir organisierte Minisession jeden ersten und dritten Sonntag im Monat im Café Göttlich statt.
Die nächste Session ist am 16.10 mit mir und Claus Schulte.
Ausserdem führe ich die noch frische Jazzbäckerei.
Diese findet jeden letzten Donnerstag im monat in der Kulturkneipe der Brotfabik statt.
Die Nächste Jazzbäckerei ist am 27.10 mit Narci Rodriguez (aus Spanien!). Lass euch diesen wunderbaren Bossa Nova Sänger nicht entgehen.
Alexander Sobocinski